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Peter Tyrrell

" Having grown up in Kenya I have been very fortunate in learning to paddle in such a unique and unexplored destination. After a few trips to Uganda and some exploration of Kenyan rivers I moved to the UK for university. From there my paddling experiences have widened. Having a good time with trips to various places such as Wales, French Alps and Norway. I've also maintained my passion for exploration and expedition Kayaking, especially in Africa, with most holidays aiming to paddle on new or little run rivers in Kenya. This trip will most likely top all these experiences and I can't wait till we get going in this amazing part of the world with a solid group of people. "

Debs Perry

"I was lucky enough to have started kayaking when I came to Uni in 2009. You were thrown in at the rather deep end but patiently helped until it didn’t seem so deep. Since first year I have managed to get myself into as many rivers as possible around Scotland, then to the French and Italian Alps, Uganda, Norway and soon to be Pakistan. I am SO EXCITED about this trip. B.U.K.E. is such an incredible opportunity and I do feel very fortunate to be part of it.  After my experiences in Uganda and all the fantastic people I met there, I am so keen to embrace all that Pakistan has to offer, it will be wonderful to be surrounded by such rich culture and exciting white water, as well as new boating buddies.

Callum Strong


"I always got picked last when we played football in primary school so I went looking for an alternative sport to prove my (insuppressible) masculinity and get all the girls. I found kayaking. Unfortunately this proved to fulfill neither of my criteria but turned out to be much more fun. Since then I have paddled in lots of exciting places around the world, with particular emphasis on Scotland. A chance at BUKE was one of




John Tomlinson

Jamie Conn​

"I first got in a boat aged 10 and grew up paddling the Dartmoor classics with my school canoe club. Now I spend my time studying weather forecasts, banging my head against a maths text book and planning the next big kayaking trip. After many paddling holidays in Europe and beyond, expedition kayaking is the next step up. Pakistan has countless unexplored rivers with tonnes of potential, so I am very keen to get out there and find some gnar!"



Having grown up in Norfolk, I had ample opportunity to hone my kayaking skills on the mighty Horstead mill. I feel that these formative years within my kayaking career have equipped me with the ability, bravery and good looks necessary for expedition kayaking.
Joking aside I’m pretty excited about this opportunity! Having only ever gone on kayaking holidays, the chance to go on an expedition with a good group of paddlers, to a slightly intimidating destination is awesome. I can’t wait for the summer.

my main reasons for attending University to start with and to make the team has been one of my dreams for years. Finally a reality I cannot wait to go searching out rivers in Pakistan! I have always been super keen to explore new whitewater, whether in my backyard or on the other side of the world there is nothing more fun than exploring an unknown river with a good strong team of paddlers and friends!"


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